mano design is the name that product designer and artist Hedwig Rotter chose for her label.
She uses the meaning of this name (derived from the Latin “manus” – hand) as the basis of her programme. Hedwig Rotter’s particular interest is in high quality porcelain. With sovereign skill she explores the entire range of possibilities offered by this fragile material, plays with traditional forms, and constantly makes new demands on the delicate porcelain.
All mano products are handcrafted in a series of elaborate processes in Rotter’s own manufactory in the Ottakring district of Vienna. The wide range of products includes tableware, living accessories and light objects. Products from porcelain’s long tradition are reinterpreted and translated into a modern, functional idiom. Humour and the value that can be added to a product play a major role in this process.
mano products are developed from careful observation of habitual patterns of behaviour, which are then positioned in a new context.
They tell new stories.
mano design objects are for people who love things that are both, individual and special.
born 1962 in Carinthia.
Lives and works in Vienna
1990 - 1996 University of Applied Arts in Vienna
Master class for product design at Matteo Thun
1995 Escola de disseny Elisava in Barcelona
Industrial design at Ramon Beneditto
1996 Diploma with distinction
Afterwards freelance work in the fields of art, graphic and web design
2002 - 2007 Ceramic studio "nono pd - no nonsens" with Anne Wolf
2004 member of "rasalab"
2007 foundation of "mano design"
Awards and competitions
Nomination Design & Crafts Collection Art Aurea
FORM 2008. Decorate Life - Frankfurt
Int.Biennial for Ceramique Contemporaine - Vallauris 2006
ETH world virtual and physical presence
DESIGN. NOW AUSTRIA - Lisbon, 100% design
Earls Court - London
Hoesch Design Award
OMV contest, Maggi edition
Award of the Federal Ministry of Science, Transport and the Arts
Exhibitions - Fairs
Design Palazzo Austria - Milano
Mirror - Mirror - Carinthia
Wohnen & Interieur 2023 - Vienna
Potz & Blitz 2022 - Vienna
Blickfang 2021 - Vienna
Potz & Blitz 2019 - Vienna
Biennale Interieur Kortrijk 2018 - Belgium
Back Ahead - Salone del mobile Milan
Zagreb Design Week
Austrian Design Explosion - European Capital of Culture 2016 Wroclaw
One more cup. Handwerksform Hannover
Ceramics & Porcelain - Vienna
Blickfang - Vienna
Dutch Design Week - Eindhoven
Designblok - Prague
Ambiente - Frankfurt
Austrian Design Details - Milan
Designer of the Month - MQ-Point Vienna
Design meets lifestyle - Stockholm
Tendence Lifestyle "Talents" - Frankfurt
Le Gourmet - Special Show Leipzig
Einfach Spitze - Handwerksform Hannover
"mak (e) blue" MAK Design Shop - Vienna
Design Linz - Desingcenter Linz
Spot on Vienna - 100% design in Tokyo
Spring exhibition Orangerie Laxenburg
PureAustrainDesign landing in New York - ICFF New York
PureAustrainDesign landing in London
Galerie Unart - solo exhibition
International Biennale for Ceramique Contemporaine - Vallauris
"Positions 2" Castle Goldegg - Salzburg
design 3. H.O.M.E. Depot - Vienna
DESIGN.NOW AUSTRIA - World Fair Lisbon
"100% Design" - DALSOUPLE, Earls Court - London
"No.nonsens" solo exhibition gallery per arte
International Furniture Fair Cologne - Passagen
Publications and catalogs
falstaff Living&Designguide 2023, finding forte 2022, Möbel&Designguide 2022, Charmante Shops in Wien - 2021, #tdzg - Zagreb Design Week
fragiles - Gestalten Verlag, trendbook Bloom`s 2009, SPOT on WIEN 2009, fena. style Bible 2008, Céramique Contemporaine Biennale Internationale 2006
design report, Standard, Presse, Kurier, falstaff, Gusto, freundin, Atrium, AZW, Schöner Wohnen, Deco Home, Home & Garden, look,
Maxima,China Ceramic Illustrade, H.O.M.E., and much more.